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Alexis Johnson(May 18, 2023)4 min read

99% of People Who Receive Promotional Products Keep Them

99% of people who receive promotional products keep them. You read that right. 99% -- that is huge! I attended PPAChicago Showcase 2023 in March where PPAI’s CEO Dale Denham shared this new statistic. But why do people keep these items? There are 3 reasons why people keep branded merchandise.

1.    High Perceived Value

People perceive promotional products as valuable items, even if they are inexpensive or free. This perception of value makes them more likely to keep the item, use it, and remember the brand associated with it. Plus, people appreciate getting something for free, especially when it’s something they can use. It can create a positive impression of the brand and increase customer loyalty.

2.    Practicality

Many promotional products are practical items that people can use in their daily lives, such as water bottles or pens. People are more likely to keep these items because they serve a practical purpose.

3.    Sentimentality

People often keep promotional products because they have sentimental value. For example, a t-shirt from a charity walk or a travel mug from a company event can hold special memories and remind people of positive experiences.


Why are promotional products so effective?

  • Cost-Effective: Promotional products are often less expensive than other marketing strategies like TV ads or billboards. This makes them a cost-effective way for companies to reach a large audience.
  • Tangibility: Unlike many other marketing strategies like TV ads or social media posts, promotional products are physical items that people can touch and feel. This tangibility makes them more memorable and increases their impact.
  • Longevity: Promotional products have a longer lifespan than other marketing strategies. Unlike a TV ad that airs for 30 seconds, a promotional product can be used or seen by the recipient for months or even years. This longevity increases the chances of the recipient remembering the brand and becoming a customer.

What Are the Benefits of Promotional Products for Companies?

If you’re not sold yet, let’s discuss some of the benefits of using promotional products. 

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Promotional products are an effective way to increase brand awareness. By featuring a company's logo or branding elements, promotional products increase the chances of people recognizing and remembering the brand. You essentially just scored brand representatives AKA walking billboards. As people wear or use your promotional product, you gain increased exposure and can extend the reach of the brand beyond the initial recipient of the item.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Marketing can be expensive, and companies are always looking for cost-effective ways to promote their brand. Promotional products can be an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. Compared to other marketing strategies such as billboards, television ads, or print advertisements, promotional products are relatively inexpensive. This cost-effectiveness allows companies to reach a large audience without breaking the bank.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty: Promotional products are a way to show appreciation to existing customers and gain new customers. By offering a useful item that customers can use, it creates a positive impression of the brand and can help to build long-term relationships with customers. This can lead to repeat business and increased customer lifetime value.
  • Engaging and Memorable Experience: As discussed earlier, promotional products provide a tangible experience that engages customers and can create a lasting impression. When people receive a promotional product, they have a physical item that they can hold, use, and keep. This creates a memorable experience that people are more likely to remember compared to a traditional advertisement. The physical aspect of the item can also make it more shareable, as people are likely to show it to others, further extending the reach of the brand.
  • Versatile Marketing Strategy: Promotional products can be used in a variety of settings. They can be used at trade shows, conferences, and other events to attract new customers, or as a gift to show appreciation to existing customers. Promotional products can also be used as part of a direct mail campaign, or as a reward for social media engagement. The versatility of promotional products makes them an effective tool for businesses of all sizes and industries.

    Therefore, promotional products can be a great addition to your marketing mix. From increased brand awareness and customer loyalty, to cost-effective marketing and greater exposure, promotional products provide a versatile and impactful way for businesses to promote their brand, product, or service. The tangible and practical nature of promotional products creates a memorable experience for customers, leading to increased customer lifetime value and a greater return on investment. Take advantage of this powerful marketing tool and set yourself up for long-term success. Contact us if you would like to add promotional products to your marketing mix. You may also want to check out our blog post, Why Consider Adding Promotional Products to Your Marketing Mix?