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coworker giving a gift to another coworker
Alexis Johnson(September 28, 2023)2 min read

The Art of Corporate Gifting

The holiday season is upon us, and it's that time of the year when companies are brainstorming the perfect gifts for their dedicated employees and valued clients. But what is going to make your holiday gift stand out?


The Heartfelt Impact of Corporate Gifts

According to PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey, 80% of people feel touched when they receive a holiday gift from their employer. It's not just about the gift itself but the sentiment behind it. Almost half (46.7%) of folks don't really care about the price tag. It really is the thought that counts! And 36% lean towards practical gifts over luxury items.


Now, What Do You Get Them?

53.7% are all about that stylish swag, favoring apparel and fashion accessories while 49.9% have a sweet (or savory) spot for food and beverage treats (PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey). There are plenty of fashionable apparel options that would make great holiday gifts such as a trendy shacket, a matching winter hat, scarf, and gloves set, a cozy vest, and the list goes on! Additionally, there are also a multitude of food and beverage gifts such as a tower of sweets, a bountiful snack basket, personalized wine bottles, amongst many other options.


What to Choose

A significant 77% emphasize that gifts should resonate with their personal tastes (PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey). One size doesn't fit all, after all! Think about what their interests are and what they may like. Personalization can help in this aspect. Adding an engraving or stitching with the recipient’s name can go a long way. In fact, PPAI Magazine’s survey reported that personalized gifts were important to 39% of people. To go even further with personalization, add a personalized message to the gift. 51% feel that this simple touch makes a world of difference (PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey). So simple but so impactful. It makes them feel special even if everyone received the same gift.


The Ripple Effect of Thoughtful Gifting

Gifts aren't just about the present moment. They have a lasting impact. 85% believe that a thoughtful gift can shape their view of a brand, and 70.7% feel that unique or valuable gifts boost their loyalty to a brand (PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey). The benefits don't stop there.

According to PPAI Magazine’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey, a considerate holiday gift can lead to:

  • Increased business (50.3%)
  • Recommendations to others (50.1%)
  • Positive reviews (41.6%)
  • Social media followers (27.4%)
  • E-newsletter subscriptions (20.1%)
  • Website visits (17.7%)
  • Only 13.5% reported that none of these would be affected by the gift


The holiday season is all about spreading joy, and corporate gifts are a fantastic way to show appreciation and strengthen bonds. Remember, it's not about how grand the gift is, but how well it resonates with the recipient. So, as you curate your holiday gift list, think personal, think thoughtful, and watch the magic unfold! Let us know when you are ready to start crafting your gifts!