Insights - Zagwear

Zagwear Hosts First Annual Sales Summit

Written by Alexis Johnson | (June 20, 2024)

We recently hosted our first annual Sales Summit at our White Plains, NY facility this spring! This full-day workshop was a dynamic blend of interactive discussions and strategic exercises, designed to empower and energize our sales and marketing team.

Toby Zacks, CEO of Zagwear, explains that he started this annual Sales Summit because “Spending time together is invaluable and provides so many positive benefits. Beneath all the great work we do are deep relationships, and sincere appreciation for everyone at the company. As someone who greatly appreciates the culture at Zagwear and wants to continue to build on what we have, it's important for us to be together and continue to develop personal bonds.”

Here’s a glance at some of the key takeaways from the summit.



Our Objectives for the Day

The summit kicked off with a clear set of objectives aimed at refining our sales strategies and improving our overall sales and marketing approach.

These goals included:

  • Prospecting the right companies and decision-makers: Intent is to focus on identifying the best prospects and ensuring we prioritize our efforts on those who best fit that target profile.
  • Increasing quality and quantity of interactions: When we focus on enhancing our client communication skills, we are better equipped to make sure every interaction count.
  • Communicating our unique value proposition: We discussed techniques to effectively showcase what sets Zagwear apart from our competitors.
  • Building long-term relationships: Strategies were provided to nurture and expand our existing client relationships therefore ensuring sustained and steady business growth.

Of course, our team was greeted with Zagwear Sales Summit 2024 swag bags!


Diving into the Core Discussions

The heart of the workshop was the round tables and interactive discussions where everyone shared their insights, feedback, and ideas on how to successfully grow the company. There were conversation starters that led to productive discussions around what we’re doing well, what we can improve upon, what changes we’d like to see, how we stand out from our competition, and what our competition is doing better than us. It was a fantastic learning experience for everyone! Plus, it forced us to have some of these tough conversations. Everyone came out of it feeling positive and with actionable items to work on this coming year!

Take a look at some of the conversations we had:


Areas for Improvement

We identified what we can do better to serve our clients more effectively. We heard from other teams how they may have a better process in place that the other teams can adopt.


Desired Changes

The team voiced changes they’d like to see, that would continue to foster a culture of continuous improvement. Change is often scary, but we were proud of our team for embracing this conversation. Everyone was receptive to changes that could lead to better internal and external processes and improve our overall business. We received so many great ideas from the team which only demonstrated everyone’s commitment to Zagwear and each other!


Zagwear’s Competitive Edge

We discussed Zagwear’s unique strengths that differentiate us from our competitors and how we can highlight these strengths throughout our marketing and sales processes.


Competitive Landscape

We talked a lot about the competitive landscape and what other companies were possibly doing better. We discussed how we need to stay ahead of the curve as other businesses advance.


Mastering Prospect Qualification

A key component of our discussions was prospect qualification. The team was trained to ask the right questions, ensuring we target prospects who:

  • Have the right budget
  • Are decision makers
  • Have a need Zagwear can satisfy
  • Prioritize our solutions (focusing on those who see Zagwear’s value as a priority)


Client Tiering Exercise

One of the most impactful exercises of the day was having each sales team develop their top 3 tiers of client profiles. This exercise helped us:

  • Understand target audiences
  • Provide our marketing team with clear criteria for targeting
  • Streamline our business development initiatives toward high-potential clients


Keeping the Momentum with Weekly Calls

Lastly, to maintain the momentum from the summit, we’ve instituted weekly team calls. These calls serve multiple purposes:

  • Share wins and challenges
  • Encourages team members to seek help and offer support based on shared experiences
  • Keep everyone accountable for their weekly goals



Looking Ahead

Zagwear’s Sales Summit was a resounding success, equipping our team with the tools and strategies they need to excel and propel the company forward!

“There are so many smart, experienced, and creative minds at Zagwear; the Sales Summit is the perfect forum for us to discuss important topics, innovate on ideas, and create action plans to move the company forward.  What we accomplished at the Summit could never be duplicated on a Zoom call. The insights gained and the skills developed will undoubtedly enhance our ability to serve our clients better, attract new business, and foster existing relationships. We are excited about the future and look forward to leveraging these learnings to drive continued success!” stated Toby Zacks, CEO of Zagwear.

Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from Zagwear!

To learn more about Zagwear, visit