Insights - Zagwear

Unveiling the Power of Branded Merchandise in 2023

Written by Alexis Johnson | (October 26, 2023)

In today's fast-paced digital age, where online ads flash before our eyes and disappear in seconds, the tangible impact of branded merchandise remains undeniable. The recent findings from PPAI's 2023 Consumer Survey provide a deep dive into the evolving landscape of promotional products and their influence on consumers. Let's unpack these insights:


More Than Just Swag: The Informative Power of Promotional Products

Promotional products have long been seen as tokens of brand appreciation. However, their role as information carriers is often overlooked. A significant 75% of respondents believe that these items are instrumental in keeping them informed about sales and events, and even introducing them to new local businesses. This highlights the dual role of promotional items: branding and information dissemination.


The Joy of Freebies

Who doesn't love a good freebie? A whopping 78% of consumers express their fondness for receiving complimentary items from brands they love. Moreover, the appetite for such products is insatiable, with 73% of consumers yearning for more.


How Do Consumers Acquire Promotional Products?

Over half (52.3%) receive promotional products for free as a customer, while social events account for 37.4%. Workplaces and affiliated organizations contribute to 32.1%, and 28.3% receive them as a gift with their purchase.


Trending Promotional Products

When it comes to the types of promotional products that resonate most with consumers, apparel takes the lead at 68.2%. Fashion accessories, including trendy hats and scarves, come in at 54.5%. Hygiene products and drinkware are also in high demand, with 52.8% and 49.9% respectively.


Digital Engagement Triggered by Tangible Products

The digital impact of physical merchandise is significant. Over half of the recipients (52%) search for the company online after receiving a promotional product. Social media buzz is also generated, with 47% sharing their new goodies on social media.


Brand Recall and Reputation

The lasting impact of a well-crafted promotional product is evident in brand recall. An impressive 66% of consumers can remember the brand associated with a promotional item they received in the past year. Furthermore, the quality of these items is often seen as a reflection of the brand's reputation, a sentiment echoed by 70% of respondents.


The Preferred Choice

In the battle for consumer attention, promotional products emerge as clear winners. They are favored over telemarketing calls (78.7%), promotional mail (76%), video ads (75.5%), and even promotional emails (75%).


The branded merchandise industry continues to thrive, offering brands a unique blend of tangible engagement and digital impact. As the PPAI 2023 Consumer Survey reveals, promotional products are not just about branding; they are powerful tools for information dissemination, digital engagement, and building lasting brand impressions. In a world inundated with fleeting digital ads, the tangible touch of branded merchandise offers a lasting connection.