Insights - Zagwear

The Power of Employee Wellness Programs

Written by Alexis Johnson | (July 31, 2023)

Today, we're diving into a topic that's been making waves in the corporate world: Employee Wellness Programs. These programs are not just a trendy buzzword but a vital part of modern workplaces. So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer) and let's get started!


The Rise of Employee Wellness Programs

Employee Wellness Programs have become increasingly common and important in today's fast-paced work environment. In fact, according to Zippia, they're now offered at 52% of U.S. companies. That's more than half of all businesses! But why, you might ask? Well, the answer is simple: they work.


The Impact of Wellness Programs

These programs have been shown to reduce healthcare costs for a whopping 72% of employers (Source: Zippia). That's right, nearly three-quarters of companies see a decrease in healthcare expenses. And if you're a numbers person, you'll love this: the average return on investment (ROI) for these programs is an impressive 6:1 (Source: Zippia). That's a deal any businessperson would jump at!

But it's not just about the money. Wellness programs also have a profound impact on employee productivity and job satisfaction. Absenteeism can be reduced by 14-19%, and employees report that they are more productive when they are at work (Source: Zippia). Plus, a staggering 87% of employees consider health and wellness offerings when looking for a job (Source: Zippia). So, if you want to attract top talent, a wellness program is a must-have.


The Employee Satisfaction Factor

Wellness programs aren't just about keeping employees healthy; they're also about keeping them happy. These programs have been shown to increase employees' interest and satisfaction with their job. After all, who wouldn't want to work for a company that cares about their well-being?


Wellness Program Ideas

Now, let's talk about how to make these programs engaging and fun. Here are some ideas:

  1. Gym or online fitness membership + branded gear for workouts: Encourage your employees to stay active by providing them with a gym membership. And to make it even more exciting, throw in some branded workout gear. They'll be representing your company while breaking a sweat!

  2. Branded home gym equipment: For those who prefer to work out at home, branded gym equipment can be a great incentive. Imagine your employees doing their morning yoga routine on a mat with your company logo. Now that's brand visibility!

  3. Branded workout clothes: Who doesn't love a good workout outfit? Branded workout clothes can be a great way to motivate your employees to stay active. Plus, they'll look stylish while doing it!

  4. Branded Fitness Tracker: A fitness tracker can be a great way to encourage your employees to stay active. They can track their steps, monitor their heart rate, and even compete with their colleagues for the most steps. It's a fun and healthy competition!
  5. Branded aromatherapy diffuser: Wellness isn't just about physical health; it's also about mental well-being. An aromatherapy diffuser can help create a calming environment, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.


In conclusion, Employee Wellness Programs are more than just a trend; they're a game-changer. They not only help reduce healthcare costs and increase productivity but also make your employees happier and more satisfied with their jobs. So, if you haven't already, it's time to jump on the wellness bandwagon. Your employees (and your bottom line) will thank you! Reach out to us when you are ready to create branded merchandise for your wellness program. For more ideas on how to improve employee engagement, download Revitalize Employee Engagement with Branded Merchandise: Elevate Your Workforce's Experience.