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The Holiday Gift That Keeps on Giving

Written by Alexis Johnson | (October 19, 2023)

The holiday season is upon us, and companies everywhere are brainstorming the perfect gifts for their employees and clients. While gift cards have been a popular choice for years, there's a rising trend that's capturing hearts and minds: branded merchandise gifts. According to PPAI’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey, the numbers are in, and they paint a fascinating picture of what people truly want and value in a holiday gift.


Gift Cards vs. Physical Gifts: The Great Debate

The survey reveals that 58.2% of respondents anticipate receiving a gift card from their company this holiday season. On the other hand, a significant 41.7% are looking forward to physical gifts such as company-branded merchandise, tech gadgets, personalized office supplies, and more. The allure of physical gifts lies in their personal touch. They aren't just tokens of appreciation; they symbolize the company’s effort to choose a heartfelt gift for their team members. Opting for a unique, personalized gift, like a branded jacket, over a generic gift card speaks volumes. It’s not just an item; it’s a connection, relationship, and a cherished bond.


It's the Thought That Counts

One of the most revealing statistics from the survey is that 46.7% of respondents believe that what the company spent on the gift does not affect whether they are happy with the gift. This is a testament to the age-old adage, "It's the thought that counts." A whopping 85% of those surveyed stated that the thoughtfulness of the gift significantly impacts what they think of a brand. This means that companies don't need to break the bank to make an impression. A well-thought-out, meaningful gift can resonate more than an expensive one with little personal connection.


Personalization is Key

In today's world, where mass production is the norm, personalization stands out. The survey indicates that 39.2% of respondents desire personalized gifts. These gifts show that the giver took the time and effort to think about the recipient, making them feel valued and special.


Boosting Brand Loyalty

Branded merchandise gifts aren't just about the present moment; they have long-term implications too. According to the survey, 70.7% of respondents believe that unique or valuable gifts can boost their loyalty to the brand. This means that a thoughtful, unique gift can turn a one-time transaction into a lifelong relationship.


The Ripple Effect of Thoughtful Gifting

The benefits of gifting don't stop at the recipient. The survey found that about 50% of consumers who receive a thoughtful gift are more likely to do more business with the company or even recommend it to others. This ripple effect can lead to increased brand visibility, customer loyalty, and even revenue growth.


The holiday season is a time of giving, and for businesses, it's an opportunity to strengthen relationships and build brand loyalty. The PPAI’s 2023 Holiday Gifting Survey highlights the importance of thoughtful, personalized gifts in achieving these goals. So, as you plan your holiday gifting strategy for this year, remember: it's not about how much you spend, but how much thought you put into it. Reach out when you are ready to get started!