Insights - Zagwear

The Green Shift: Why Sustainable Products Matter More Than Ever

Written by Alexis Johnson | (June 13, 2024)

In recent years, the push for sustainability has gained significant momentum, with consumers increasingly seeking eco-friendly products and practices. This trend is particularly evident among Gen Z, who are setting new standards for environmental consciousness. According to PPAI, over 80% of Gen Z consumers consider the environmental impact when using promotional products. As the buying power of this generation grows, businesses must adapt to meet their demands for sustainability.


The Rising Demand for Sustainability

Gen Z is known for their strong values and commitment to social and environmental issues. They are well-informed and highly aware of the impact their choices have on the planet. This generation's increasing influence means that companies must pay attention to their preferences, especially regarding sustainability.


Key Questions for Sustainable Products

Elizabeth Wimbush, PPAI’s director of sustainability and responsibility, emphasizes that businesses need to ask critical questions when assessing the sustainability of their products. These questions can guide companies in making more environmentally responsible decisions:


Is this product useful, durable, and designed to last?

Sustainability starts with creating products that have a long lifespan. Items that are useful and durable reduce the need for frequent replacements, minimizing waste and conserving resources.

What materials are used in the product, and are they renewable or responsibly sourced?

The choice of materials plays a crucial role in a product's environmental impact. Renewable and responsibly sourced materials are essential for reducing ecological footprints and supporting sustainable practices.

Was the product made with ethical considerations in mind?

Ethical production practices ensure that products are made under fair labor conditions and with respect for human rights. This consideration is vital for maintaining social sustainability.

Is it designed for easy disassembly, recycling, or composting at the end of its life?

Products that can be easily disassembled, recycled, or composted help close the loop in a circular economy, reducing landfill waste and promoting the reuse of materials.

Is there a more sustainable alternative to the product that serves the same purpose?

Sometimes, the most sustainable choice is to select a different product altogether. Companies should continually seek out and offer greener alternatives that meet consumers' needs.


The Business Case for Sustainability

Adopting sustainable practices is not just about meeting consumer demands; it also makes good business sense. Companies that prioritize sustainability can enhance their brand image, build customer loyalty, and even reduce costs in the long run. By aligning with the values of Gen Z and other eco-conscious consumers, businesses can position themselves as leaders in the market.


Looking Ahead

As we move forward, the importance of sustainability in product design and manufacturing will only grow. Companies that proactively embrace eco-friendly practices will be better positioned to thrive in a market increasingly dominated by environmentally conscious consumers. By asking the right questions and making thoughtful choices, businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future while meeting the expectations of the next generation of consumers.


In conclusion, the shift towards sustainability is more than just a trend—it's a necessity. As Gen Z's influence continues to rise, businesses must prioritize sustainable products and practices to stay relevant and responsible in today's market.