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Branded notebook, hat, shirt, water bottle
Alexis Johnson(October 24, 2023)2 min read

The Evolution of Branded Merchandise Post-COVID

The world has seen unprecedented changes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the branded merchandise industry is no exception. As businesses and consumers alike adapted to the "new normal," the dynamics of promotional products underwent a significant transformation. PPAI's 2023 Consumer Survey sheds light on these fascinating shifts, and here's what we've gleaned:


The Rise of Apparel as the Preferred Promotional Product

While writing tools and magnets dominated the promotional scene during the pandemic, apparel has clinched the top spot, with a whopping 68.2% of consumers favoring it. This is a stark contrast to 2021 when writing instruments led the charge at 72.6%, followed closely by magnets at 68.2%. These once-popular items have seen a decline, now standing at 40.2% and 31.6%, respectively. The shift suggests a growing preference for functional and fashionable promotional items that seamlessly integrate into daily life.


Promotional Products as Information Hubs

The pandemic has amplified the role of promotional products beyond mere branding tools. A significant 60% of consumers now turn to these items for information, a dramatic rise from the 24% reported two years ago. This trend underscores the importance of integrating valuable information with promotional items, making them more than just a branding statement.


Digital Engagement with Brands

The digital realm has seen a surge in activity post-pandemic, and promotional products play a pivotal role in this. An impressive 52% of consumers are prompted to search for a company online after receiving a branded item, up from 40% in 2021. Additionally, the age of social media influencers and sharing is far from over. A notable 47% of consumers share their promotional products on social platforms, a jump from 36% in the previous year. Brands, take note: your promotional items could be your ticket to online virality!


Brand Recall and Reputation


The power of a memorable promotional product cannot be overstated. A staggering 66% of consumers can remember the brand on a promotional item they've received in the past year. This is a significant leap from the 28% reported two years ago. But it's not just about memory; it's about perception. The survey reveals a strong correlation between the quality of a promotional product and the perceived reputation of the brand. A vast majority (84%) of consumers are more likely to use promotional items from brands they admire. Furthermore, 70% believe the higher the quality of the product, the better the reputation of the brand, a sentiment that has grown by 30% since 2021.


The post-COVID era has redefined the landscape of branded merchandise. As the industry continues to evolve, it's clear that quality, functionality, and digital engagement are paramount. Brands looking to make a lasting impression must recognize these shifts and adapt their strategies accordingly. The future of promotional products is not just about branding; it's about creating meaningful connections in a rapidly changing world. Let us know when you are ready to get started on a project!