Insights - Zagwear

Branded Merchandise That People Will Actually Use (and Love)

Written by Alexis Johnson | (June 20, 2023)

Branded merchandise has been a popular marketing tool for years, with companies printing their logos and slogans on everything from t-shirts to water bottles. When chosen carefully, branded merchandise can be a powerful tool to enhance a brand's image, generate leads, increase customer loyalty, and boost employee morale. While these items can be effective for promoting a brand, they often end up in the back of a closet or donated to a thrift store. No one wants another coffee mug or plastic water bottle to add to their overflowing collection in their kitchen cabinet. However, there are ways to create branded merchandise that people will get excited about and actually use. Let’s explore these opportunities.


The Importance of Branded Merchandise

Branded merchandise serves as a tangible representation of your brand. Whether you are gifting branded merch to your customers or your employees, they will become walking billboards for your company. Not only are you attempting to gain their individual interest and business, but you are also hoping they wear or use this product in public so you get the additional promotion. Oftentimes, when someone loves a promotional product they received, they gush about it to their friends and family. They become a brand representative. If the product is useful and/or high-end, people usually want to show it off. This can be a powerful tool for increasing visibility and reaching new audiences. With the right promotional products, businesses can create a strong emotional connection with their customers and employees, which can lead to increased brand advocacy and repeat business. 

Creating branded merchandise that people will actually use and love may require a bit more of an investment, but there are many benefits to doing so:

1.    Builds a stronger emotional connection between the customers and the brand or the employees and the company

When someone receives a high-quality or luxury product that they love, they are more likely to feel positively about the brand/company and develop a deeper level of loyalty.

2.    Leads to increased word-of-mouth marketing

When someone receives a product they love, they are more likely to share it with or show it off to their friends and family. This can lead to increased brand awareness and new customers.

3.    Differentiate a brand from its competitors

When a brand offers unique and high-quality merchandise, it can help set it apart from other brands in the same industry. 

What to Focus on


Investing in high-quality materials and construction can also help to create a sense of luxury and exclusivity around a brand. When someone receives a product that feels special and luxurious, they are more likely to feel positively about the brand and become a loyal customer. This is a situation where quality is better than quantity. Gift your employees or customers one high-end promotional product rather than gifting them several cheap products. They will more likely use, enjoy, and appreciate the one high-quality gift. 


High-end brands or products create a sense of prestige. People will want to keep and show off luxury products. This creates a positive association with the brand for customers and a sense of value for employees. Luxury products are more likely to increase loyalty in employees. Some examples of high-end products include Theragun, Solo Stove, and TUMI luggage.

At Zagwear, our CEO gifted a Theragun Mini to all our employees as a holiday gift to show his appreciation and the value they each bring to the company.



When someone receives a product that they can actually use in their daily life, they are more likely to keep it and use it regularly. This increases the chance of them using it around others which boosts brand awareness. Consider promotional products that people may not already own, or products people may not buy for themselves but would enjoy if they received them as a gift. Some examples include duffel bags, backpacks, phone chargers, and earbuds/headphones.

Next time you’re looking for branded merchandise, consider quality and utility of the product. The last thing you want to do is waste money on a product that will get thrown away which may also leave a negative impression of your brand. We are happy to help you pick the perfect choice for your company! Contact us to learn more.