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Branded Merchandise in the Era of Influencer Marketing

Written by Alexis Johnson | (October 31, 2023)

In today's fast-paced digital world, brands are constantly on the lookout for authentic avenues to connect with their audience. Enter influencer marketing, a sector poised to hit a whopping $21.1 billion value this year with 23% of companies gearing up to earmark over 40% of their total ad spend towards influencer campaigns, reported by Influencer Marketing Hub. With staggering figures and a clear trajectory of growth, how are branded merchandise and influencer marketing shaping the narrative for modern-day promotions? Let’s delve into the stats from Influencer Marketing Hub’s The State of Influencer Marketing 2023: Benchmark Report.


Continued Faith in Influencer Marketing

Despite potential hurdles, a significant 83% of respondents still regard influencer marketing as a potent promotional avenue. This belief is further emphasized by the fact that 67% of them are prepping to amplify their influencer marketing budgets in 2023. Branded merchandise is the catalyst needed to strengthen influencer marketing. It can serve as a canvas for influencers to infuse their unique touch. It's not just about a logo; it's about co-creating products that resonate with the influencer's ethos and audience. This personalized approach can lead to increased audience engagement and higher recall value. While digital content can be ephemeral, branded merchandise provides a tangible touchpoint. Branded merchandise allows their audience to literally 'feel' the brand. This physical interaction creates a more profound connection between the brand, the influencer, and their followers.


Limited Edition Merchandise

There’s branded merchandise, and then there’s limited edition merchandise. Brands can collaborate with influencers to release this exclusive merchandise that is only available for a limited time. The exclusivity often drives higher demand, making the audience more eager to get their hands on them. This strategy not only boosts sales but also amplifies brand visibility.


The Shift Towards Nano and Micro Influencers

Gone are the days when brands solely chased celebrity endorsements. The current trend shows a leaning towards nano-influencers (39%) and micro-influencers (30%), giving brands a chance to resonate with niche audiences and reap higher engagement rates. These influencers, with their niche audiences, can be instrumental in promoting branded merchandise. Their close-knit communities often trust their recommendations, making them perfect candidates for showcasing branded items.


Compensation Dynamics

The industry is maturing, with influencers more commonly being compensated with money (42%) over just complimentary products (30%). This evolution ensures influencers are recognized for the value they bring to brands. However, a blend of monetary compensation with exclusive branded merchandise can be a winning combination, offering influencers additional value.


The Rise of AI in Influencer Selection

We can’t conclude without mentioning AI. In a world driven by data, it's no surprise that 63% of marketers aim to weave AI into their influencer strategies. Remarkably, out of this group, two-thirds will utilize AI specifically to cherry-pick influencers, ensuring brand alignment and authenticity. So, when you’re looking for an influencer to collaborate with to create exclusive branded merchandise, you may want to consider utilizing AI to find someone who aligns with your brand’s values.


In conclusion, as influencer marketing continues its ascent, brands have a golden opportunity. By integrating branded merchandise into this space, they can foster deeper connections, build brand loyalty, and drive engagement in unparalleled ways. Reach out if you'd like to get started on branded merchandise.